Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Television: One of the Government's most successful propaganda machines

An example of brass mesh
Whenever you turn on the television, you are allowing the government to spread it's propaganda. The pictures on the screen actually contain hidden patterns that our subconscious mind understands. These messages tell of how the government is in reality very nice and that mind control is not real. This is part of the reason why it is so hard to convince Americans and modern humans in general of the existence of mind control. They are few and far between, but some people actually get headaches     and some hear voices that they do not understand while watching TV. These people have also been known to be very nervous when people sing or talk in a monotonous voice. Different shows have different affects ones like The Simpsons, Family Guy, and American Dad are known to cause ignorant trust in the government, slight to major insecurity with one's self, and may cause headaches and abdominal pain in some people. CSI is the government's show to tell you that the government is super advanced and can solve any crime, no matter how well done because they have attractive females running thir crime prevention labs. Keeping up with the Kardashians was made so that the government could convince people that acting like a squished bannana peel is the behavior that the government wants, the reasoning behind this is still unknown. Robot Chicken and Adult Swim are used to convince the youth and young men of the country to participate in time and life wasting games such as beer pong. These are just some of the examples of specific shows installing specific ideas inside our brains. There are many more that may be mentioned in other posts, posts will now come on a weekly basis. To avoid these signals we suggest you encase your television in brass mesh, because of it's properties it will help to filter out some of the governments signals going to your TV. Even though your TV will just be jumbled signals, simply draw pictures and make a flipbook to put over your TV. This homemade alternanitive provides hours of endless entertainment!


  1. Where do you get this information?

  2. If we name them the government will silence them, so don't ask.

  3. Are you saying that pure long hours spent researching this tppic are lies? Do you want to come over to our lab and see our hard work? Well be my Geust.

  4. And yes we do alot of the research ourselves

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Is there any channels that Are safe on tv

  7. what was fireball's first post?
