Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Guns: The governments first step toward total control

The government has already began to work towards the goal of taking away all resistance to the plan. They are doing this by limiting our constituntional right to bear arms. In many cities, the right to protect one's self with a handgun is outlawed. We must resist this change with intense lobbying and helping out the NRA. The government is also cracking down on people using free speech by punishing those who leak government info into the public. This is their way of telling everybody else to keep their mouths shut. The occupy wall street movement protestors at UC Davis were pepper-sprayed by a government employee while peacefully protesting. The government will resort to much greater measures to punish anybody who opposes them. Remember; always have adequate guns and ammo for survival. Please follow and tell other people about the blog to help! Thank you for supporting the mission!

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