Sunday, December 4, 2011

The Holidays Are Here!

The Holidays, a time for joy, happiness, and family. What everyone thinks are the times for leisure and time with family, are actually times to heighten your defenses, and protect your family. As we near the holidays, the government adds radio transceivers (similar to the ones that are in light bulbs) to popular holiday products. To avoid these risks i suggest that you do not buy gifts from store and that you make your own. All you need to make these is, wood, carving tools, and beeswax to hold it together (I suggest that you start collecting extra wax). And because most people today use artificial trees, I suggest you don't because of the same reason as holiday products, and as for lights if you read below you will know that is not an option so just use candles (be warned high risk of house fires in doing so, so only light them on the day of opening presents to lessen this risk). HAPPY HOLIDAYS AND NO MIND CONTROL :D !

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Television: One of the Government's most successful propaganda machines

An example of brass mesh
Whenever you turn on the television, you are allowing the government to spread it's propaganda. The pictures on the screen actually contain hidden patterns that our subconscious mind understands. These messages tell of how the government is in reality very nice and that mind control is not real. This is part of the reason why it is so hard to convince Americans and modern humans in general of the existence of mind control. They are few and far between, but some people actually get headaches     and some hear voices that they do not understand while watching TV. These people have also been known to be very nervous when people sing or talk in a monotonous voice. Different shows have different affects ones like The Simpsons, Family Guy, and American Dad are known to cause ignorant trust in the government, slight to major insecurity with one's self, and may cause headaches and abdominal pain in some people. CSI is the government's show to tell you that the government is super advanced and can solve any crime, no matter how well done because they have attractive females running thir crime prevention labs. Keeping up with the Kardashians was made so that the government could convince people that acting like a squished bannana peel is the behavior that the government wants, the reasoning behind this is still unknown. Robot Chicken and Adult Swim are used to convince the youth and young men of the country to participate in time and life wasting games such as beer pong. These are just some of the examples of specific shows installing specific ideas inside our brains. There are many more that may be mentioned in other posts, posts will now come on a weekly basis. To avoid these signals we suggest you encase your television in brass mesh, because of it's properties it will help to filter out some of the governments signals going to your TV. Even though your TV will just be jumbled signals, simply draw pictures and make a flipbook to put over your TV. This homemade alternanitive provides hours of endless entertainment!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


There Are Many Ways That They Are Controlling Minds I'll list a few to help you avoid them.


Thomas Edison was actually a government agent hired to create a device to promote brain control, they also wanted it to be able to go into everybody's home without them knowing what it was, so he came up with the light bulb. The filaments in the light bulb are actually small radio transceivers that help the government control you.
-To stop this I suggest disposing of all light bulbs in your home, (ESPECIALLY LEDs) and switching to candle light. The candles must be home made, manufactured candles when burned give off a vapor that promotes mind control. Also you MUST NOT buy the wax to make them it has the same effect. You should instead buy bees and harvest the wax yourself.

Years ago the government tapped into the power grid and is using it to promote mind control.
-To avoid this I suggest you to stop using the power grid, and switch to bicycle and or gasoline powered dynamo. This may be more exhausting and or expensive than the grid life used to be but it is worth it to help the Anti Brain Control Cause.

All types of manufactured tooth paste, deodorant, shampoo, hairspray, conditioner, soap, body wash, and various other manufactured hygienic and toiletries have mind control promoting ingredients in them that are not labeled on the container.
-To avoid these mind affecting ingredients I suggest you to stop using any and all types of manufactured product. Some substitutes are: instead of toothpaste use baking soda it works just as well if not better, instead of soap use sand it really gets the dirt off, instead of moisturizing products like conditioner and lotion use various oils from animals.

This type of sand will work.

When you use a public bathroom or shower, the government gets your DNA from the dead skin and hair that comes off of your body while showering or bathing, or from your feces or urine from using the toilet. When they have your DNA they can find out who you are, where you live, how resistant you are from their brain control, and when you are not needed anymore they can dispose of you and make an obedient clone.
-To avoid these risks I suggest you to, Instead of bathing or showering at home or in public showers (at Gyms and such) Bathe your self in streams or waterfalls. And instead of using toilets or urinals, I suggest digging holes in your back yard. ( Note: It is also possible that it can happen to you in your own home, so don't bathe or relieve yourself at home, just in the back yard/streams or waterfalls)
A public bathroom equiped with DNA identification

On store bought clothes there are small microchips that give the government up to date information on where you go, what you do, and what you say. When you buy the clothes the store you buy from connects those micro chips with your name so the government knows who their tracking.
-To avoid being monitored by the government I suggest that you make your own clothes whether it be from animal hides or cotton just make sure you trap/grow it yourself or it will have the microchips if it is manufactured.
A clothing store where tracking clothes are sold


If you feel under the influence of government brain control immediately put on your Tin Foil hat, immediately following that drink at least 1/2 Cup vinegar. Drinking vinegar scrambles the government signals and makes them disconnect with your brain, and since you have your foil hat on they can't get back in.

We are researching on the governments ways as you read this, my people will try to keep you as up-to-date as possible

Guns: The governments first step toward total control

The government has already began to work towards the goal of taking away all resistance to the plan. They are doing this by limiting our constituntional right to bear arms. In many cities, the right to protect one's self with a handgun is outlawed. We must resist this change with intense lobbying and helping out the NRA. The government is also cracking down on people using free speech by punishing those who leak government info into the public. This is their way of telling everybody else to keep their mouths shut. The occupy wall street movement protestors at UC Davis were pepper-sprayed by a government employee while peacefully protesting. The government will resort to much greater measures to punish anybody who opposes them. Remember; always have adequate guns and ammo for survival. Please follow and tell other people about the blog to help! Thank you for supporting the mission!

Monday, November 28, 2011

The government's plan

    As we all know, the government is planning to implant computer chips in our brains, as to control our every thoughts and actions. The only way to avoid this is to wear a tin foil hat. This stylish method of blocking transmissions is common in anti-government communities. The government will only take a few years until we have no free will. Take action now by wearing the hats and you will immediately begin to notice the radio waves when you take the hat off. When the government has complete control, Barack Obama will use us all as slaves to take over the entire world fighting to end "global warming." This is a key part in his plan as it takes power away corporations that could cause problems for him. Please take a look at mind control evasion tips to see how to avoid mind control.